Combining NOvel MOdeling TEchniques and socio-economic considerations for effective, efficient and acceptabLE Best Management Practices In Agricultural River Basins (NOMOTELEIA)
2012-2015 |
150.000€ |
Methods and tools for adaptive water resources management in Europe
2011-2014 |
45.000€ |
HRAKLEITOS II – Reinforcement of research potential through doctoral research” through the Operational Programme “Education and Lifelong Learning” co-financed by the European Commission (European Social Fund) and Greek funds |
Development of an operational system for the estimation and the methodological use of drought and water scarcity indicators to support water resources management in the framework of the actions.
2010-2013 |
45.000€ |
HRAKLEITOS II – Reinforcement of research potential through doctoral research” through the Operational Programme “Education and Lifelong Learning” co-financed by the European Commission (European Social Fund) and Greek funds |
Development of technological infrastructure for the protection and management of the aquatic environment under climatic changes
1999 - 2001 |
88.041,086€ |
EU / Ministry of Public Works |
National Data Bank of Hydrological and Meteorological Information (NDBHMI) – The continuation of the National Data Bank of Hydrological and Meteorological Information
1996 - 2001 |
4.557.241,379€ |
2nd Cohesion Fund (85%) & the Ministry of Public Works (15%) |
Estimation and Management of the Water Resource Potential in the Island of KOS
1994 -1996 |
187.241€ |
Sensitivity Analysis of Water Resources and of Water Management Works Under Various Hydrologic Scenarios Accounting for Climate Change
1988 -1990 |
8.804€ |
Greek Secretariat for Research and the Ministry of Public Works |