Hydrology / Climate Change and Extremes

Όνομα έρευνας ή μελέτης
Επιστημονικός υπεύθυνος
Διάρκεια Προϋπολογισμός
Floods and Fire Risk assessment and management (FLIRE)
2012-2015 1.617.734,00€/547.662,00€ DG ENV LIFE+ (LIFE+ Περιβαλλοντική πολιτική & διακυβέρνηση)
FLADAR: Flood zoning in Southeast Attica using gauge calibrated radar rainfall and advanced modelling techniques
2007-2010 100.000€ EU / DG Research Marie Curie Actions
MEDDMAN: Integrated water resources management, development and comparison of common transnational methodologies to combat drought in the MEDOCC regions
2006-2008 1.345.325 €/285.040€ EU / ERDF (75%) και εθνική συμμετοχή (25%)
FLOODMED: Monitoring, forecasting and best practices for FLOOD mitigation and prevention in the CADSES region (Leader).
2006-2008 2.250.000€/250.000€ EU / ERDF (75%) και εθνική συμμετοχή (25%)
FLAPP: Flood Awareness & Prevention Policy in border areas
2004-2007 1.668.000 €/60.000€ EU / ERDF (75%) και εθνική συμμετοχή (25%)
CADSEALAND: Land-sea interaction: coastal state and evolution in CADSES
2001-2005 2.529.996 €/278.815€ EU / ERDF (75%) and national funds (25%)
Ανάπτυξη τεχνολογικής υποδομής για την προστασία του υδατικού περιβάλλοντος κάτω από κλιματικά αλλαγμένες συνθήκες
1999-2001 88.041,086€ EU / ΥΠΕΧΩΔΕ
ENRICH: Climate change and water management: managing European water resources in an uncertain future
1998-2000 538.480€/108.000€ Ε.U / DG Research FP 5 Program
EUROTAS: European River Flood Occurrence & Total Risk Assessment System
1997-2000 2.209.430€/160.254€ Ε.U / DG Research FP 5 Program
RIPARIUS: Risk of Inundation - Planning and Response Interactive User System
1997-2000 184.000€ (concerted action) EU / Telematics Programme
HYDROMET: Hydrological and Hydrometeorological Systems for Europe
1994 – 1996 1.305.800€/153.000€ Ε.U / DG Research FP 4 Program
Εκτίμηση και διαχείριση Υδάτινου Δυναμικού στην Κω
1994 -1996 187.241€ ΔΕΥΑΚ της Κω
Weather Radar and Storm and Flood Hazards
1993 – 1995 1.000.000€/92.308€ EU / DG Research FP 4 Program
Impact of Climate Change on Hydrological and Water Resource Systems in the European Community
1993 – 1995 140.017€ Ε.U / DG Research FP 4 Program
Storm, Floods and Radar Hydrology
1991 – 1993 1.000.000€/125.005€ EU / DG Research FP 4 Program
Sensitivity Analysis of Water Resources and of Water Management Works under Various Hydrologic Scenarios Accounting for Climate Change
1988-1990 8.804€ Greek Secretariat for Research and the Ministry of Public Works