Hydrocare: Hydrological cycle of the CADSES regions

  • Duration2004 - 2007
  • Budget Total / NTUA2.466.200 €/384.000€
  • Scientific Responsible


  • Funding

    EU / ERDF (75%) and national funds (25%)

The project HYDROCARE wishes to develop an integrated system capable of assessing the impact of hydro-meteorological events on the water resources in the CADSES region. Emphasis will be put on the development of effective tools for a rational exploitation of the water resources, with the purpose of preserving and enhancing economical and environmental welfare. Such managing tools will be illustrated also in practical terms by performing some case studies.

Other main points of the project will be the reconstruction of the large and basin-scale hydrological cycle in the CADSES region, to be obtained by suitably merging observational data (both local and remote) and numerical models, and the development of a high level ICT network within a transnational frame for collecting and exchanging hydro-meteorological data and providing relevant information to end-users such as professionals, farmers, entrepreneurs, public administrations.