– A review of current practice and capabilities, and the identification of current and future requirements
– Identification of possible linkages to related projects/works
– Agreement on a common approach at a strategic level
– Development of a functional specification
– Preparation of proposals for the research and development required for the first demonstrator system
It is proposed that these objectives will be met via a Concerted Action consisting of a series of expert meetings and workshops which will consider particular topics relating to technical methodology and policy issues. This approach would best facilitate exchange of information and coordination of approach across EU member states and are designed to receive input from a wide range of relevant user groups. Benefits of RIPARIUS will include:
– uniformity of approach
– implementation of the highest possible, practical standard within and between member states
– design of high level, flexible, generic system to meet the segmented requirements of different user groups
– strengthening of transnational cooperation in support of EU polices
RIPARIUS has been developed by a consortium of EurAqua (a European Network of Fresh Water Research Organisations) members in United Kingdom, Italy, Greece, Ireland and France in collaboration with relevant user group organisations within the same countries. Funding of 184 kECU is required to cover the travel and subsistence costs, organisation of meetings and workshops, and printing of associated literature and reports.