The comparative study “Pressures and Measures” is funded by DG Environment, carried out by an International Consortium of expertise organizations and directed by WRc plc. More specifically CHI participates in:
1. Thematic assessment on groundwater quantitative status (sub-task of Task 3) which aims to identify the main drivers and pressures affecting groundwater quantitative status, and if possible in terms of the main abstractors per economic activity. Information on relevant measures with an assessment of their effectiveness will be sought with examples of selected cases and Best Practice examples. This should lead to the development of key messages on actions needed in relation to securing good groundwater quantitative status in the EU level. Relevant maps and graphic will be produced.
2. Task 4a: Innovation and development of technology, with main objective to assess and demonstrate through use of examples how water policy impacts on innovation in the water sector-and vice versa, specifically identifying: where it acts as a positive force and where it creates barriers; the role that such innovation plays in the economy at a local and global level; identify European and global market opportunities; and identify priorities for future innovation. The analysis will be used to support the development of the technical and governance aspects of the candidate European Innovation Partnership on Water Efficiency (cEIPWE) which is one of the pillars of the 2012 Blueprint
Comparative study of pressures and measures in the major river basin management plans in the EU
- Duration2011-2012
- Budget Total / NTUA15.550€
- Scientific Responsible
- Funding
EU/DG Environment