The contract involves the development of tools and services for WISE in the following areas:
1. Reporting under EU water policy instruments: focusing on the Marine Strategy Framework Directive10 and the Floods Directive (2007/60/EC) but also including other Directives that are already (to different degrees) integrated in WISE
This task involves developing from the reporting sheet to tools, documentation, helpdesk and services to facilitate the Member States reporting, performing a technical QA of the MS XML submissions against what is expected and feed back to the MSs where QA needs addressing, and making the submitted information available on the Output side of WISE.
2. Collecting information on water quantity (water scarcity and droughts, water efficiency etc.) and vulnerability to climate change
This task involves the development of operational tools and services for the integration, visualisation and communication into the WISE of established elements and sources of information on water quantity, water scarcity and drought, and the identification and exploration of additional data sources on water scarcity and drought, water resources efficiency and vulnerability, and eventually the development of further tools and services for their reporting and/or exploitation, integration and visualisation on WISE
3. WISE as a shared and distributed system: information exchange and synchronisation of data bases in line with the INSPIRE Directive
The objective of the task is to develop further the concept of developing WISE as a shared and distributed system and a platform for data exchange between various data-storage nodes located at (a) European institutions, (b) Member States, and (c) other stakeholders (e.g. international rivers basin commissions).
4. Exploitation and communication of information and its analysis
This task involves the further development of a generic data viewer, increased capacity of data analyses, increased capacity and technical possibilities for visualisation of integrated analysis results and presentation of reported data.
Service contract for the development of tools and services for the Water Information System for Europe (WISE)
- Duration2012-2014
- Budget Total / NTUA50.000€
- Scientific Responsible
- Funding
EU/DG Environment